Districts in the second phase (2023 – 2024)
Participation of newcomers – Surveys as an addition to integration monitoring
Laura-Sophie Schaaf
Niemöller Str. 1
14806 Bad Belzig
Tel.: 033841/9 13 56
E-Mail: Integration@potsdam-mittelmark.de

©Landkreis Potsdam-Mittelmark
Mitigating the labor shortage in the trades sector through integration
Latif Hamamiyeh Al-Homssi
Tel.: 05631-954-200
E-Mail: Latif.Al-Homssi@lkwafkb.de
Theresa Habich-Lerch
Tel.: 05631-954-267
E-Mail: Theresa.Habich-Lerch@lkwafkb.de

©Landkreis Waldeck-Frankenberg
Integration and participation of migrants on the local level, creation of a forum for migration
Eva Militz
Amt für Migration und Integration
Postfach 19 40
88189 Ravensburg
Tel.: 0751 85-9863
E-Mail: e.militz@rv.de

©Christoph Morlok
Identification and enhancement of living spaces for migrants
Julius Fogelstaller
Tel.: 08131/741875
E-Mail: integration@lra-dah.bayern.de

©Landkreis Dachau
Participation of migrants in the "Stadtsee"-district
Jakob Wernike
Tel.: 03931 60 8059
E-Mail: jakob.wernike@landkreis-stendal.de
Maria-Alexandra Jonas
Tel.: 03931 60 7040
E-Mail: maria.jonas@landkreis-stendal.de

©Landkreis Stendal
Creation of hybrid german courses for migrants in rural parts of the district
Dr. Frank Oliver Klute
Team 503.1 Kommunales Integrationszentrum
Braunenbrucher Weg 18
32758 Detmold
Tel.: 05231 62 1483
E-Mail: f.klute@kreis-lippe.de

©Kreis Lippe
Districts in the first phase (2020 - 2022)
Strengthening inclusion through long-term employment within the local hospitality industry
Ute Erz
phone: +49 65 71 14-2390, Fax 065 71 14-42390
email: ute.erz@bernkastel-wittlich.de
Veronika Kutschin
phone: +49 6571 14-2226, Fax 06571 14-42226
email: veronika.kutschin@bernkastel-wittlich.de

Monitoring the success of individual measures of the local integration concept
Ann Fabini
phone: +49 3904 7240 2326
email: Ann.Fabini@Landkreis-Boerde.de

Creating innovative places for encounters and exchange for the local community.
Anna Lena Hemmer
phone: +49 3445/ 73-2446
email: Hemmer.Annalena@blk.de

Stitched Panorama
Establishing a Welcome Centre tailored to the needs of newcomers.
Antje Jahn
phone: +49 3546 20 1003
email: antje.jahn@dahme-spreewald.de

Establishing a participatory Integration Think Tank at and for the local level.
Katja Kraft
phone: +49 7231 / 308-9717
email: katja.kraft@enzkreis.de
Isabel Hansen
phone: +49 7231 / 308-9536
email: isabel.hansen@enzkreis.de

Building a strong network of initiatives for active participation, created and led by immigrants.
Yana Shykhyrina
phone: +49 721-936-77220
email: yana.shykhyrina@landratsamt-karlsruhe.de
Tülay Arslan
phone: +49 721-936-77190
email: tuelay.arslan@landratsamt-karlsruhe.de

Establishing a dialogue between the meat producing industry and representatives of the administration.
Ute Frankenfeld
phone: +49 4431 85-659
email: ute.frankenfeld@oldenburg-kreis.de
Dr. Brigitte Brück
phone: +49 4431 85-653
email: brigitte.brueck@oldenburg-kreis.de

Building a strong local network of civil society actors with a focus on integration in small municipalities.
Andre Teumer-Weißenborn
phone: +49 5681/775-238
email: Andre.Teumer-Weissenborn@schwalm-eder-kreis.de
Lars Werner
phone: +49 5681/775-225
email: Lars.Werner@schwalm-eder-kreis.de

Establishing a robust integration monitoring framework to foster tailored solutions.
Tamara Gericke
phone: +49 3984 /702300; mobil 01721689463
email: intergrationsbeauftragte@uckermark.de
Alexander Bonitz
phone: +49 3984 / 701480
email: Alexander.Bonitz@uckermark.de

Creating a digital tool to empower immigrant women at the local level.
Inge Bias-Putzier
phone: +49 881/927 6589 - 22, Mobil +49 160 4918 692
email: inge.putzier.wm@asylimoberland.de
Susanne Seeling
phone: +49 881/927 6589 - 22, Mobil +49 160 9927 3243
email: susanne.seeling@asylimoberland.de

Districts in the piloting phase (2017 - 2019)
District of Coburg
Attracting migrants to the care professions
District of Goslar
Development of a modular integration and participation concept for immigrants
District of Harz
Integration monitoring in the area of refugees and immigrants - integration and data management from a single source
Ludwigslust-Parchim district
Development of a decentralised integration and participation concept for the district
District of Prignitz
Civil society participation of immigrants
Vogtland district
Participant and graduate management for integration courses