We promote innovative and sustainable approaches for the integration and participation of immigrants in rural areas.
About Land.Zuhause.Zukunft.
“Land.Zuhause.Zukunft. – Integration und Teilhabe von Neuzuwanderern in ländlichen Räumen” (literal translation: "Countryside.Home.Future. – integration and participation of newcomers in rural areas") is a joint program of the Robert Bosch Stiftung and the University of Hildesheim. It supports rural districts and their diverse stakeholders in further developing innovative and sustainable approaches for the integration and participation of newcomers to rural areas. The program also organizes a systematic exchange of knowledge through regular – also virtual - networking meetings. Furthermore, the Robert Bosch Stiftung and the University of Hildesheim develop recommendations for policy and practice and support rural communities in communicating their needs to decision-makers and other stakeholders.
Since 2019, the program has funded several projects in the participating districts. The current phase includes six districts from all over Germany. Click here if you want to learn more about the districts and their projects.

Employed at the program office of Land.Zuhause.Zukunft.
+49 (0) 5121 883-10772
info@land-zuhause-zukunft.deEmployed at the program office of Land.Zuhause.Zukunft.
+49 (0) 5121 883-10784
ziegler@land-zuhause-zukunft.deEmployed at the program office of Land.Zuhause.Zukunft.
+49 (0) 5121 883-10774